About Us
Our mission is to mobilize, train and send college students to help fulfill the Great Commission among the Unreached of the world.
He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Mark 16:15
Our Investment
College Students
We focus on the strategic window of opportunity in people’s lives during and immediately after their college years.
Unreached People Groups
We make it our aim to see the Good News reach those who have the least access to it.
We are all about relationships! We build long-term partnerships with campus ministries, churches, and overseas field workers.
We acknowledge our dependence on the Lord to see the nations reached and seek to fervently pray and be prayer advocates.
The students we work with experience in-depth assessment, training, and personal investment from our staff and volunteers.
Our Training
We use a unique, immersive training process to prepare our teams for common overseas scenarios and team dynamic challenges. We also equip teams with spiritual perspectives that they’ll need to have to thrive during their project and beyond. Watch some highlights below…
Why should your church or campus ministry partner with us?
OneLink International works in partnership with campus ministries and churches to train students to serve effectively overseas.
Worldwide Connections
We have a network of established Field Partners around the world who shepherd and invest in our student teams. Our goal is to connect stateside campus ministries and churches with these overseas hosts to develop a partnership and regular sending location for teams.
Proven Experience
We’ve been sending teams for more than 25 years now. In that time, we’ve seen the impact that team building and preparation can have on the success and safety of a team.
Meaningful Training
OneLink provides a unique training package that includes a semester-long prep course, a weekend training for team leaders, a week-long cross-cultural simulation training, and re-entry material when the team returns home.
Contact us to get started as a stateside partner.
Frequently Asked Questions
Still have questions? Email us at office@onelinkinternational.org.
What is a OneLink team like?
Teams typically range from 2-8 members. All teams participating in OneLink training have a designated team leader. The majority of teams are peer led. Team leaders are intentionally selected after their application is reviewed by the sending campus ministry or church and the OneLink staff. OneLink training is designed for teams to work alongside each other and be supervised by either a career missionary or a two-year missionary while overseas.
Can I send to a field partner that my ministry already knows and trusts?
Yes! We encourage long-term partnerships between stateside partners and field workers. Please share our website with them and connect them with the OneLink office.
How long are OneLink trips?
OneLink trips typically range from 6-8 weeks. We believe that OneLink training is most effective with teams serving for at least 4-8 weeks. This length of trip allows time for the team to engage the culture, build friendships, and share the good news.
How much does it cost to send a team overseas?
Most projects cost between $4,000 and $6,000 per student, including airfare and training fees.
How much does it cost to partner with OneLink?
OneLink’s training costs differ depending on region. They are $500 per student (Central Region) and the students pay a commitment fee of $75 when they commit to a team.
How will the team be expected to pay for training and the project?
All team members who go overseas and participate in OneLink training raise their own prayer and financial support. Sending out support letters is the method most team members use, but there are other means used to fundraise as well. Once students are accepted for a team, they will receive some basic resources from our office. We encourage the stateside (sending) partner, to establish additional guides to assist the team in support raising.
Do you have a communication policy?
Yes. We ask each team member to limit their communication to one thirty-minute call or video chat to an immediate family member, once every two weeks.
Do teams send regular updates for supporters and family?
Yes. Teams are asked to send a weekly update to friends, family, and supporters. This update is an opportunity for team members to share about life overseas, ministry opportunities, and vital prayer requests.
Can I (as a campus leader/director) communicate with the team while they are on the field?
Yes. Team leaders are required to send a weekly leader update to their campus leader and a OneLink staffer. We encourage campus leaders to reply to those emails and call or video chat with the leader if they need it.
What will the team do?
Some teams teach English programs, study a local or national language, conduct a cultural exchange, or work as business interns. We let our partners on the field determine this based on what is best for their long-term strategy.
Where do the teams live?
Most teams live in dorms or international student housing on a university campus. Some teams live in apartments near universities or other locations where they will be doing ministry.
How do you handle risk management?
There are always certain risks involved in international travel, but we have taken great strides to mitigate them. All team members are required to participate in a week-long orientation prior to their departure from the US. During this week they are given the information and training they will need to function safely in the location where they will be serving. OneLink International also works in conjunction with the International Mission Board to develop contingency plans and evaluate risks in our overseas locations. There are also policies, such as maintaining the “buddy system,” the students are required to follow to help ensure their safety.