Join us in mobilizing, training and sending college students to the nations.

And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
Romans 10:15
Our Mission
To mobilize, train and send college students to help fulfill the Great Commission among the Unreached of the world.
Our Investment
We emphasize these areas to maximize our impact in the world and in students’ lives.
College Students
We focus on the strategic window of opportunity in people’s lives during and immediately after their college years.
Unreached Peoples
We make it our aim to see the Good News reach those who have the least access to it.
We acknowledge our dependence on the Lord to see the nations reached and seek to fervently pray and be prayer advocates.
We build long-term partnerships with campus ministries, churches, and overseas field workers.
The students we work with experience in-depth assessment, training, and personal investment from our staff and volunteers.

The Gospel is at the center of everything we do.
God is the Holy Creator; every person owes Him worship and perfect obedience. Instead, we all have rebelled against Him. Our sin separates us from God, but He provided a way for us to be brought back into a right relationship with Him.
Because of His great love for us, God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth. Jesus lived the perfect life we should have lived and died the death that we deserved to die, taking the punishment we earned because of our sin. Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and God will save you, reconciling you to Himself.
This is the good news we affirm, and seek to share. See our full statement of faith below.
Make a Donation
You can mail a personal check. Include a separate note with your intended purpose. For tax purposes, please do not write any individual’s name anywhere on a check.
Make checks payable to:
OneLink International
Mail to:
P.O. Box 8582, Wichita, KS 67208
You can support the work of OneLink by giving via Venmo.
Using either the app or website, search for the username:
Give Online
OneLink also has an online giving portal. You can do a one-time donation, or create a recurring gift.
Click the button below to begin the process.