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Trainings & Events
What does the typical OneLink project timeline look like?
- Fall Semester – Application and references are due (November)
- End of year – Teams selected (December/January)
- March – Team Leader Training
- May – Orientation Week
What is a OneLink team like?
Teams typically have 4-6 team members and range from 2-8 members. All teams participating in OneLink training have a designated team leader. The majority of teams are peer led. Team leaders are intentionally selected after their application is reviewed by the sending campus ministry or church and the OneLink staff. OneLink training is designed for teams to work alongside and be supervised by either a career missionary or a two-year missionary while overseas.
Your son or daughter’s team will work with an established overseas partner who shares vision and values with OneLink and the sending campus ministry/church. Most teams minister to students and their peers in the country they visit.
What will my son or daughter be doing overseas?
Generally, teams teach English, study language, or participate in a cultural exchange program. Their aim will be to build relationships with locals and share the good news of Jesus.
Is medical or health insurance provided?
OneLink does not directly provide medical, health, or travelers insurance. We strongly recommend students purchase an insurance policy. We recommend a policy with Gallagher Charitable International Insurance Services. This insurance includes coverage for life, health, accidents, lost luggage, etc. and is included in the total trip cost.
How much does it cost to send a team overseas?
Most OneLink trips cost between $4,000 and $6,000, including airfare.
Will my son or daughter be safe?
OneLink International works in conjunction with the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention to keep everyone safe. We only partner with long-term missionaries who have established or are establishing work in an area. There are also policies the students are required to follow to help ensure their safety. There are always certain risks involved in international travel, but we have taken great strides to mitigate them. All team members are required to participate in a week-long orientation prior to their departure from the US. During this week they are given the information and training they will need to function safely in the location where they will be serving.
How will my son or daughter be expected to pay for this trip?
All team members who go overseas and participate in OneLink training raise their own prayer and financial support. Sending out support letters is the method most team members use, but other means of fundraising are used as well. Once students are accepted for a team, they will receive more details about fundraising.
Can my son or daughter call home?
Yes. We ask each team member to limit their communication to one thirty-minute call or video chat to an immediate family member, once each week and a weekly email update to friends and family
Your son or daughter’s Team Leader will call or email a contact person in the U.S. once they have arrived safely in-country and parents can communicate with that contact person. Note that during Orientation there is no free time for communication with family or friends. We ask students to leave phones in their vehicles due to the nature of Orientation Week.
Who do I call in case of an emergency at home?
The OneLink staff is available 24/7 at (316) 201-3231 while your son or daughter’s team is overseas or traveling to and from their destination. If you have an emergency while your son or daughter is at orientation you may call (316) 201-3231.

The Gospel is at the center of everything we do.
God is the Holy Creator; every person owes Him worship and perfect obedience. Instead, we all have rebelled against Him. Our sin separates us from God, but He provided a way for us to be brought back into a right relationship with Him.
Because of His great love for us, God sent His Son Jesus Christ to earth. Jesus lived the perfect life we should have lived and died the death that we deserved to die, taking the punishment we earned because of our sin. Repent and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and God will save you, reconciling you to Himself.
This is the good news we affirm, and seek to share. See our full statement of faith below.
Partner Resources
Below you will find resources and information you will need to help your students and teams navigate the spring season, their time overseas, and the return to the rhythms of campus and post-collegiate life.
All documents will be updated and available by Sept. 10th
Important Documents
New This Year
Partnership & Project Establishment
August – October
September – November
Application, Selection, and Team Formation Process
November – December
Startup Logistics & Preparation
Stateside Logistics
- Background Checks
- IMB Safety and Security Training
- Immunizations
Travel Logistics
March – April
Final Logistics
April – May
May – July
- Your Team Communication & Emergency Protocol
- Team Email Writer Instructions
July – August
Planning Ahead & Next Steps
- Post-Project Evaluations
- Alumni & Vision Casting
- Prayer Guides